What's in a name? Why 'Wild Air Skincare' and the process of our re-brand.
Posted on August 30 2017

In 2004 I started my business and named it lisa ann skincare. I thought if Estee Lauder could name her cosmetics company after herself and make it wildly successful then why not try the same? After all, she started making cosmetics from a kitchen in her home like I did. My parents were thrilled of course to see the name they gave me on product labels and their bathrooms are filled with lisa ann lotions but I felt a change was needed. A fresh new look with a new name and almost everything that comes with a big brand change was launched this year after some deep thinking and many months of working on this new look. I made the decision to make the change in November of 2015 and had no idea what the new name and look should be so I decided to take a branding class so I could learn the process and get guidance along the way. Lela Barker, who owns Lucky Break Consulting was launching an online, interactive branding class and I became her "student" in January of 2016. It was the impetus I needed and am grateful for the opportunity to spend time learning and bouncing ideas off her and the others in the class.
Fast forward a few months and the process of selecting graphic designers, a website designer and filing for a trademark began. I have to say, it wasn't an easy process and things moved more slowly than I would have liked but the many months it took gave me a chance to make better and more thoughtful decisions on what the new look should be. After deciding which direction the products and brand should go, the brainstorming began with a graphic designer. He did a fabulous job in giving me a thoughtful list of possible names and also the font and color scheme. I narrowed the list of name to three and then consulted with an intellectual property attorney to see if any of them would stand a chance of getting a trademark approved. Andrea Evans (of The Law Offices of Andrea Evans) did a fantastic job and within a call or two we chose Wild Air to submit to the US Trademark office. Luckily it was uncontested and a year later I have the official certificate which will be framed soon!
So, getting back to why the new name is Wild Air Skincare. I have always appreciated the change in seasons and the gorgeous beauty that surrounds us here in New England. From oceans to mountains and everything except the dessert, the six states that form this region has it all and that includes some wild weather and change of seasons. Inspired by the beauty and seasons of New England is my motto for each Wild Air Skincare product and my hope is to bring a bit of that inspiration to help you feel more confident and beautiful on the inside and out.
2017 has been an eventful year with a move to a new production facility too just before the launch and I'm thrilled with how it all has turned out. All of the products are still made by hand and with the same high quality, luxurious ingredients you can expect.
A ps about the icon you see next to the name. What do you think it is? Do you see a bird, a flag, or something else? Let me know in the comments below and I'll give you the answer!
Thank you for reading this long post and I am so grateful to everyone who gave me support and feedback along the way.
Lisa Kennally
Founder - Wild Air Skincare
I see a flag. Reminds me of home!
Thank you Mary for your guess. It was designed to be a flag waving in the breeze..or wild air! I think it looks like a seagull too which we have so many of at our beautiful New England beaches.
Hmmm… I remember our conversation over tea on this… but my post 50 brain is questioning what you told me about the icon being….was it air or the breeze???